
Monday, 16 March 2015

Archi, the Historical Search Hound, sniffs out 170 Archaeological sites  is the online resource which details everything to do with finding history around us: digging up stuff; examining the remains of old buildings; or analysing any physical evidence of previous human occupancy. Here's what Archi, its Historical Search Hound, has unearthed within 10 km of Starcross.

Visit to see more details.
  • If you'd like to investigate any of these, or you are able to tell Starcross History anything about them, please comment below. 
British Archaeological sites, Ancient History, Historical Places and Metal Detecting finds around SX9781 Ancient History of Starcross, Devon, British National Grid Reference: SX9781; E-N: 297000 081000; Decimal Latitude/Longitude: 50.619580, -3.457347
Roman Dog Mosaic
Archi the Historical Search Hound has found 170 archaeological and historical sites within 10 km of your search area SX9781 Ancient History of Starcross, Devon, British National Grid Reference: SX9781; E-N: 297000 081000; Decimal Latitude/Longitude: 50.619580, -3.457347. These sites consist of: 39 roman sites, 18 iron age sites, 24 bronze age sites, 58 medieval sites, 3 post-medieval sites, 5 mesolithic sites, 2 neolithic sites, 8 unclassified ancient sites, 3 unclassified historic sites, 8 industrial sites, 1 modern sites, 1 norman sites,

Many thanks to Chris the webmaster for allowing this information, and Archi the dog,  to be copied from the archiuk website.


  1. Thanks so much for introducing me to the Archi website. I can see many happy hours spent browsing

    1. Thankyou for your comment. It's the FIRST we've ever had :-) Perhaps you could let Chris on archiuk know how you found him?
      It's hoped that we can organise an archaeological investigation in or around Starcross. Do you live nearby; and would you be interested?


Hooray! You're posting a comment. Many thanks.