
Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Plymouth Course in Basic Archaeological Diving

lead soldier from 1685 Coronation off Plymouth  - head missing and most of his musket, and bottom half of his legs
lead soldier from 1685 Coronation off Plymouth

 MAST - the Marine Archaeology Sea Trust - are running a course in how to be a BAD diver.
May 28th to May 29th

Become a Basic Archaeological Diver!
MAST's Basic Archaeological Diver is a two day course, a no fuss introduction to the basics of archaeology underwater with simple recording techniques using little more than a camera and tape measures. The introduction to the basics will also include a lecture on the laws governing divers and underwater archaeology in the UK. Students will hear exciting talks from well known figures in the underwater archaeology world (please ask for details).

The course is an approved PADI Distinctive Specialty and appropriate PADI certification and qualification cards are awarded on completion of the course. The course is also now becoming a Scuba Schools International (SSI) Specialty. SSI divers will now gain an SSI specialty certification and MAST instructors are now qualified SSI and PADI instructors.
After completion they will have the opportunity of a rare guided tour from the licensee of the 1685 Coronation protected wrecksite off Plymouth.
As Underwater Archaeology specialists you can become the eyes and ears of our underwater heritage.
For details please contact us at Our next B.A.D. course is May 28-29 in Plymouth. The course costs £198 per person for the two days.
2016 dates for the BAD course in Plymouth are as follows:
April 16-17, May 28-29, June 25-26, July 23-24, August 27-28, September 24-25 and October 23-24
(A £45 deposit is required. Payment by BACS is preferred. Please ensure you email MAST to confirm that you have made your payment. If you prefer to send by cheque, please ensure you enclose a covering note with your name and contact details.)

This includes classroom tuition, student handbook, provision of underwater surveying tools for the duration of the course, three open water dives, PADI PIC registration and card and a reduced price voucher to dive the Coronation wreck, which will be valid from one year from the date of the course. It does not include dive equipment rental, air fills, transportation to and from dive site. All profits from the course are donated to MAST to contribute to projects aimed at understanding and conserving our British marine heritage.
If you are a PADI or SSI Instructor and you would like to teach the course, please contact us at either of the emails above.
*We offer a discount to members of the Armed Forces Community. Please speak to us for details.
Please also visit the webpage of the Coronation's wrecksite team at

Sports Diver article:
Want to be a BAD diver?

Marine Archaeology Sea Trust website

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