
Monday, 11 January 2021

Dartmoor Mardon Down FREE ZOOM

Harberton & Harbertonford History Society

Zoom talk by Andy Crabb, Dartmoor Archeologist
‘From The Neolithic to Normandy: A Deep History of Mardon Down’

Tuesday 19th January at 7.30pm, via Zoom
Dear Jill,

Firstly, a warm welcome to 2021 - and indeed we are in much need of warmth!
I am writing  with details of the first talk of the year when we will welcome back, Andy Crabb, Dartmoor Archaeologist, who will give an online talk via Zoom on Tuesday 19th January at 7.30pm, via Zoom.

The title of the talk is :

‘From The Neolithic to Normandy: A Deep History of Mardon Down’
Mardon Down, near Moretonhampstead, hosts an interesting collection of ancient monuments, including the largest stone circle on Dartmoor and the ‘Giant’s Grave’. Andy’s new talk will cover recent surveys of Neolithic, Bronze Age, Medieval and WWII structures. He’ll also include discoveries at the nearby Wooston Castle Iron-Age hillfort."

If you are interested in joining this free Zoom meeting please email us by clicking on the link below.
Register interest in Andy's talk
As mentioned in our last email, we are asking you to consider making a small donation to the cost of the talk - which amounts to approximately £70 each time.

The vast majority of people who attended our first Zoom talk said that they were happy to contribute. Please click on the link below to give a voluntary contribution. If you are not certain that you will attend, the opportunity to donate will be repeated when we send out the meeting joining instructions next week.

Thank you very much in advance .  
Donate towards the cost of the talk
Andy Crabb works with Historic England and Dartmoor National Park Authority. Those who have been on our Dartmoor summer picnics will have enjoyed his archaeological walks.

He has been working as an archaeologist for over 20 years and mainly works within the Dartmoor National park, but his role with Historic England also covers West Devon, Mid Devon and Exeter.
In his Dartmoor work he covers all aspects of the park's rich historic environment from Neolithic enclosures to second world war airfields - 20,000+ known sites. For Historic England he works as part of the regional ‘heritage at risk’ team. This is a group tasked with trying to reduce the numerous threats faced by the region’s scheduled monuments, listed buildings and registered parklands.

In addition we have arranged two further online  talks this year:

Tuesday March 2nd - 7.30pm - Colin Vosper: The Old Saltway - From  Coombe Cellars to Totnes 
Tuesday October 5th - 7.30pm - Dr Todd Gray: Uncle Tom Cobley and Widdicombe Fair and Harberton
We are planning talks for May and November and will let you have the details of all these meetings as soon as these have been confirmed.

We very much hope you will join us for this, our second online talk, and look forward to seeing you on the 19th January.

With All Good Wishes,

Jill Powell
Harberton and Harbertonford History Society
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Harberton and Harbertonford History Society, 

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