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Meeting in Starcross Pavilion on Saturday 16 March at 3.00pm
§ We need your help to plan and manage a Starcross Celebrates the 1920s project. Starcross History Society is establishing a working party in liaison with Devon History Society to review what the Starcross programme might entail.
The project will happen in 2025.
§ If you are interested in the Starcross Celebrates the 1920s project and might like to join its working party, we would be delighted if you could attend a public meeting on:
Saturday, 16th March at 3.00 p.m. in
Starcross Pavilion, Generals Lane, Starcross, EX6 8PY
If you cannot attend, but are interested in participating in Starcross Celebrates the 1920s, please let us know at and we will keep you informed.
Todd Gray will talk about the First World War war.memorials in Devon
His talk will be at the Starcross Pavilion on Saturday November 11th, from 3pm until 5pm. ADMISSION IS FREE but to cover costs we sell teas and coffees and have a raffle. Please bring a raffle prize.
Starcross’s war memorial does not stand alone – there are some 2,000 in Devon, a network of memorial beacons that uniquely recognise and light up the collective identity of each community. Each memorial was the outcome of its community’s local committee that discussed, argued, rowed, debated and decided upon what kind of memorial it wanted and the form it would take, and then built it.
When you pass Starcross Station, do you ever stop to look at the war memorial at the bottom of the station’s steps, A and B, see page 2? If so, have you thought how it, and similar memorials, relate in the past to your family or friends who died in World War I, 1914-18? ‘Our family roots are now our branches’ applies to our own family members, some four generations ago, who were killed in the World War I fight for national survival against Germany and Austria-Hungary.
What had the deaths of that generation of our relatives achieved? And today,
what memories of what they fought for do we remember, recognise, honour and meditate upon annually during the 11th of November commemorative national Remembrance Day two minutes of silence on the 11th minute of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 that marks the end of World War I?
From 1918 to the mid 1920s the British government supported every community in Britain, be it a hamlet, village, town or city to create, design and build its own war memorial to remember and honour men and women who ’Died For King and Country’ in World War I, some 12,000 in Devon
Starcross History Society
Tuesday 12 March 2024
Powderham Event Wednesday April 17th 2024
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Prize List for 1874 Dawlish Horticultural and Cottage Garden Society |
On Saturday, February 18th, from 3pm until 5pm in The Starcross Pavilion on the Starcross Sportsfield, Suzanne Jones will present
"240 Years of Gardening and Horticulture in Dawlish "
Suzanne will describe: the very active Garden Society, which was formed in 1861; what happened during both World Wars; and the large industry of horticulture that sustained many families and employed hundreds of people at its height.
Suzanne is intrigued by this subject and she continues her research, spending many hours every week searching local archives for information.
If anyone has any photographs, press cuttings posters or stories about the history of gardening in Dawlish and surrounds, please get in touch, or even bring them to the meeting.
Admission is free but it's around £40 for the hire of the pavilion and its facilities, so we sell tea and coffee, have a collection pot, and have a raffle.
Please bring a raffle prize
Weds, 17th November
FREE ZOOM The Voices of Starcross
The link will be posted here when we have sorted out a new date
Please email if the link doesn't work
The Voices of Starcross
This event was cancelled
Suzanne Jones
The Dawlish Brewery
There is neither a fee to join the group, nor admission charge to the meets, but we will have a raffle so please bring a raffle prize. We will have a collection pot and we invite voluntary contributions to cover the cost of the room hire, and to raise money for our projects.
Starcross History will meet at 7.30pm in the Starcross Primary School on Wednesday, 22nd January 2020.
Andrew Cadbury
Starcross Businesses
MEN IN SHEDS. St Paul's Church. Saturday, 28th September, 10.00am until 4pmRefreshments on sale
SHOW AND TELL. Westbank Charity Shop. Tuesday, 17th September, 4pm until 6pm
Mosaic and TRAIL exhibit workshops at Starcross Primary School
- The artists will also work with the children to add a tail to this year's exhibit on the Teignmouth Recyled Art in the Landscape sculpture trail which is Kattanga; the Coathanger Horse. AND they'll create sea from old scaffolding netting and CDs, and monstrous plastic monsters from beach flotsam; so that Kattanga can gaze at the GALLOPING pollution of the 5 oceans... which are?
- Atlantic Ocean.
- Arctic Ocean.
- Indian Ocean.
- Pacific Ocean.
- Southern Ocean
July 2018 until September 2018
Entry for Teignmouth Recycled Art in the Landscape T.R.A.I.L.
Meet: Wednesday May 16th 7:30pm in St Paul's Church
The next meet of Starcross History will be on Wednesday May 16th at 7:30pm in St Paul's Church. There will be discussion about the Starcross archive. More details to followThe date of the next meet of Starcross History has been rearranged and will now be on March 14th, 7:30pm in St Paul's Church
Our this year's exhibit on the Teignmouth Recycled Art in the Landscape sculpture trail will include this mosaic of a forge. To show you the another stage of outdoor mosaic production, you can have a go at grouting in the tiles.
Wednesday 8th November
7:30pm in St Paul's Church
next meet of Starcross History will be on Wednesday,
8th November at 7:30pm in St Paul’s Church. No membership fee
and admission is free. We have to pay for the room, so we charge £1 for
tea/coffee and £1 a strip for raffle tickets. Please bring a raffle prize.
Ian Graham-Jones has kindly
agreed to present an illustrated talk about John Marsh’s visits to Starcross
and Dawlish. John Marsh (1752 -1828) was perhaps the most prolific English composer of his time - over 350 works. He
had varied interests; from bellringing and religion to astronomy and geometry.
His 37 journals are valuable sources
of information on life and music in 18th -19th century
England. They remained unpublished until 1998. (wiki)
- The performance for the Villages in Action Unearth Project
- Entry for this year's Trail Recycled Art in the Landscape in Teignmouth CANCELLED
- Jumble Sale in the Autumn CANCELLED
Saturday May 20th
Workshops and display in St Paul's Church as part of their Thankyou for the Music weekend.The workshops were:
Glass Harmonica
Comb&paper mouthorgan
Wednesday 10th May
7:30pm in St Paul's Church
More Starcross Stories Unearthed
Could we publish ebooks aimed at the Key Stages of the National Curriculum? Should we aim for a hard copy of a book?
Unlike an ordinary village, Starcross's history has universal appeal. We have evidence of Romans using the river. There were Roundhead v Cavalier battles fought on our shores. The remarkable Swan Boat is still within living memory, and its Victorian designer was the redoubtable Victorian; Captain George Peacock. Also within living memory is the Royal Western Counties Hospital, with its wonderful innovations for the education of idiots. Then there's the scenic Great Western railway line; still dubbed God's Wonderful Railway. And we can't forget Brunel's Atmospheric Caper
The online British Newspaper Archive and the Devon Heritage Centre in Sowton continue to yield more tales. These have been augmented with local knowledge from some of Starcross's more senior residents, and caches of documents and photographs from places which include Starcross School, St Paul's Church and the village pubs.
Meet the artists
Unearth project - copying your pictures and information
Sunday, 5th March 2017 from 2:00pm until 4:00pm in St Paul's ChurchPlease bring pictures and information about our village's past so that we may make photocopies
Starcross Stories
Wednesday, 11th January 2017
Villages in Action Film Show.
Films about Starcross from South West TV and Film Archive
Thursday, 8th December
Unearth project meeting
Wednesday, 23rd November
in St Paul's Church: 7:30pm:
- publish, online, the research from each of 8 Devon communities.
- hire professionals to create and perform a multi-media production for each community.
Wednesday, 9th November 2016
Jumble Sale in St Paul's Church EX6 8PA
Saturday October 29th 2:00pm
refreshments. tombola. raffle.
Weds Sept 14th 7:30pm
Trail Recycled Art in the Landscape from July 2016 until September
Saturday June 18th
Starcross Scarecrow Day
The Starcross History entry in the village Scarecrow Day is an amalgam of all the tails from our Peacocks' Tails' History Trail this St George's Day; April. 23rd.
Ms Peacock
JUMBLE SALE in St Paul's Church EX6 8QB
Saturday June 4th from 2pm
Tea/coffee and an assortment of delicious home bakingThe jumble leftovers will go to the Westbank charity shop
and to the Exeter Turntables project
Please leave jumble at Myrtle Cottage anytime - entrance in New Road and Swan Road
or from 10:30 on the day
Clothes. Toys. Bedding. Bric-a-brac. Plants. small items of Furniture. ANYTHING YOU DON'T WANT THAT SOMEONE ELSE MIGHT WANT except people and pets!
Parrot, Hats, Masks and Scarecrows at the Starcross Village Activity Day this Saturday
When St Paul's Church held their All Creatures Great and Small Festival over the May Bank Holiday weekend, Starcross History's contribution was meant to be a steampunk workshop - so what's steampunk AND creaturely? STEAMPUNK PARROTS
So Starcross History helped children make Parrots out of card, lolly sticks, buttons and bits of material. Many thanks to Pauline Allen for staying all day to help.
There's some leftover parrotmaking stuff, so we'll do the parrot workshop again at the Starcross Village Activities Fair this Saturday in the pavilion on Starcross Sportsfield.
Parking is off General's Lane EX6 8PY
We also have a quantity of hats&masks leftover from our September steampunk hat workshop. We hope that these will inspire people to create a scarecrow for the Starcross Scarecrow Festival on June 18th
so we will give them away to anyone who wants to put it on their Scarecrow Day scarecrow.
You don't have to live in Starcross to enter a scarecrow - you can bring it for display on Starcross Sportsfield
Meeting in St Paul's Church
Wednesday, 11th May 2016
There is no charge for admission and no charge for membership. History should be FREE.
but it costs £20 to hire the room, so we ask you to please bring a raffle prize. To cover the cost of room hire, we sell raffle tickets for £1 and tea/coffee is also £1
This will be our AGM so we won't have a speaker. Instead, we ask you to bring your photographs and Starcross-related artefacts for a Show and Tell after we've done the boring stuff which will be to:
- ask for some help with organising the group - Monica will be happy to continue with the online stuff, but it would be great if someone else could chair the meetings. Barbara will be happy to to continue as treasurer if no-one else would like to so do. We'd like to have a secretary or a publicity officer or whatever role anyone might like to accept.
- adopt the constitution. This is published here. Hard copies will be available. It's a standard document which lists the aims of Starcross History and how it's run. It presently says that when Starcross History is dissolved, monies will go to the Topsham Museum. The meeting will discuss any points about this constitution, amend as necessary, and vote to adopt the finalised document
- review the achievements of Starcross History
- plan for the future
Saturday, 30th April from 10:00am until 4:00pm
part of the All Creatures Great and Small weekend at St Paul's
Starcross History will run a
Parrot and Hat and Animal Mask Workshop - with a touch of steampunk
parrot cut from gold card with some of the decoration |
We ask for a donation please, for the materials you choose.
There's card for the parrots and the masks
We have some brightly coloured net, and some more bits and pieces for you to choose to stick on your creation.
Pick one of our hats, or bring your own.
Decorate your hat with creatures and feathers to compliment the theme of the weekend. Wind-up watches, spectacles, nuts, bolts and and flowers could give them a touch of steampunk.
If you have any materials to donate, please get in touch.
The Peacock's Tail Trail : a trail around some historically interesting places in Starcross.
St George's Day Saturday April 23rd
starting and finishing at St Paul's Church
St Paul's will open from 1:30pm until 3:00pm
Teas, Coffees and fantastic cakes
The TEDDY ToMBoLA will be run by the Starcross Westbank Charity shop
Peacocks' tails remind us of the Starcross adventurer and inventor, Captain George Peacock.
First of all, buy your copy of the Peacocks' Tails Trail for 50p. This is a list of all the clues to where you will find the peacocks' tails, with spaces for you to stamp the special Peacocks' Tails Trail stamps.
We aim to have the tails and the stamps in place by 12NOON on St George's Day.
Follow the first clue to Captain Peacock's grave, which is in St Paul's churchyard. Hidden nearby you will find Captain Peacock's letterbox stamp, which has been especially made by Melissa Muldoon. Use the stamp pad (or you could bring one of your own) to stamp your copy of the Peacocks' Tails Trail, or you could have your own book you might like to stamp.
Then answer the question about Captain George Peacock
and on to the next clue...
The last clue is St Paul's Church. When you have answered all the questions, and collected as many stamps as you can, VOTE FOR THE BEST TAIL
then you can claim your Peacock Tails' Trail Certificate.
The first few back will also get to choose a little peacocky prize - we have some peacock feathers, and we've been collecting a few other peacocky bits and pieces.
The Peacock Tails' Trail Certificates each feature one of Melissa Muldoon's beautifully drawn peacocks - which you can colour in
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Captain George Peacock 1805 - 1883 |
Meeting in St Paul's Church rooms, Church Street Starcross, Exeter, Devon. EX6 8QB.
No admission charge and no joining fee but PLEASE BRING A RAFFLE PRIZE
Wednesday March 9th 2016 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Speaker Valerie Forrester:
Brunel's Pumping House in Starcross
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Booklet price £3: What was an Atmospheric Railway? by Richard A Forrester |
Meeting in St Paul's Church rooms, Church Street Starcross, Exeter, Devon. EX6 8QB
No admission charge and no joining fee but PLEASE BRING Amany thanks to Mr Betts at Abbey School for this chocolate photo
Wednesday January 13th 2016 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Speaker: Andrew Cadbury: Cadbury's of Bournville
We'll hear all about the history of his family, and the story of chocolate
Meeting in the new pavilion on Starcross Sportsfield EX6 8PY
Wednesday November 11th 2015 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Speaker: Ian Goodrick
Pycroft to Rycroft Your local doctors 1850s to 1950s
JUMBLE SALE in St Paul's Church EX6 8QB
Saturday October 24th from 2pm
The team from St Paul's Church swung into action to provide teas&coffees & biscuits, as well as the manpower needed for the stalls.The proceeds of the raffle and the sale was £202. St Paul's Church and Starcross History had half each. There was only 1 carful of jumble left over, which was taken to the Westbank Charity shop on The Strand. We would have taken any more to The Force Cancer Charity's shop in Fore Street, Heavitree, Exeter, who were very kind to offer to dispose of any surplus.
Many thanks to everyone who donated items. Thankyou to our customers for spending loadsamoney at the sale. And a huge thankyou to all at St Paul's, for storing the jumble, hosting the sale, and running the event.
Jumble sales are a great way to raise money: recycle stuff, get bargains, and have fun. In fact, the Starcross Twinning Group are planning a jumble sale... but they won't let it clash with our next one, which is to be on June 4th 2016.
Late September 2015
Our sculpture of The Swan of the Exe has been taken down from in front of Teignmouth Pier on the Trail Recycled Art in the Landscape project. The gabionfull of flotsam&jetsam and her magnificent plumage has found a home in Holcombe Community Orchard
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Holcombe Community Orchard from |
Wednesday September 9th:
in the new pavilion on Starcross SportsfieldRear Admiral Francis Godolphin Bond sailed to Tahiti in 1791 with his uncle, who was The Bounty's Captain William Bligh. Bond retired to Starcross after 1801. The rare Tahitian artefacts he collected are displayed in the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter. He is buried in Exeter Higher Cemetery
Steampunk Hat Workshop and Steampunk Bring&Buy
in St Paul's Church Starcross EX6 8PA
Saturday September 12th from 9am until 4pm
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Steampunk hat made at the workshop by a 6-year-old |
Wednesday July 8th: in the new pavilion on Starcross Sportsfield
Vicky Jocher showed the maquette of The Swan of the Exe scuplture. The meet visited the former village sweet shop, Myrtle Cottage, to see the assemblage
Wednesday May 13th 2015: in the new pavilion on Starcross Sportsfield
Janet Cutler. Brunel in the West Country
Janet Cutler gave a wickedly humorous illustrated talk on Brunel in the West Country. The slides she showed demonstrated the great determination she had to get some of the wonderful shots. The one of the SS Great Britain's last time afloat - as she lumbered up the Avon into Bristol, showed how decrepit the old boat was, after her sojourn in The Falklands as a warehouse and then being scuttled and left to rot. The cartoon on THIS LINK gives an idea of the frenzied crowds as they jostled for a position to see the fragile wreck go under the suspension bridge 127 years after she left Bristol. Janet Cutler stayed put, and got the shot she wanted, which showed the ravages of an 8,000 mile journey on an already dangerously deteriorated hulk.
There were shots of the broadgauge loco, The North Star, and stories of the chaos when broad gauge met narrow gauge... or any gauge met a gauge of a different size
Thankyou |
Luci Coles from Teignmouth's Trail Recycled Art in the Landscape
Luci Coles explained the passions, for both sculpture and the environment, behind Trail Recycled Art in the Landscape. Starcross History will recreate Captain George Peacock's The Swan of the Exe for this year's sculpture trail in Teignmouth. Luci talked about the involvement of schools and community groups, and businesses in the project. She spoke of the ability which art has to get a message across to everyone... but not everyone will go into an art gallery, so TrailArt has a universal impact. The message is about pollution, especially plastic pollution. The Waitrose sculpture will use materials that are not currently recycled, such as polystyrene.Wednesday, March 10th 2015: in the new pavilion on Starcross Sportsfield
Wow! What a fantastic facility the new pavilion is for Starcross. Well done Jim Hopper and all on the Parish Council for this wonderful achievementAlison Miles: The Starcross Wall Hanging
Alison appealed for more squares to be completed for the Starcross Wall Hanging. This wall hangingis part of the Starcross Past and Present celebrations at St Paul's Church. Everyone in the village, and all the village organisations, have been contacted to provide a square.
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Sewing the square for the Memorial Garden for the Royal Western Counties Hospital |
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The completed Starcross Wall Hanging inside St Paul's Church |
Peter Hinchliffe: The early battles: Police v Salvation Army
- 2015 is the 150th anniversary of William Booth's founding of the Salvation Army, so our main speaker; Peter Hinchliffe's topic was The early battles: Police v Salvation Army
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The logo for The Salvation Army International Congress 2015 Boundless. The Salvation Army International Congress 150th Anniversary 1-5 July, London |