Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Kattanga Part 3

Kattanga the coathanger horse
Kattanga the coathanger horse
Kattanga the coathanger horse is taking shape. The brief for Teignmouth Recycled Art in the Landscape requires that sculptures be fastened down with metal-spiked posts, so these will go inside the hollow legs - which are made from old fishing-rod containers. 80% of the sculptures must be from recycled materials.
Now that the frame is up, coathangers and other bits of black plastic will be added to fill in the detail and give Kattanga some movement. The children from Starcross Primary School will make Kattanga's tail from video and cassette tapes. He will wear armour, made from blue scaffolding netting covered in silver CDs. Tapes and CDs; Kattanga will be a very musical horse.

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