I have a copy of the 3rd photo on the left. It looks as if it was taken around 1910. The house attached to Hope Cottage in the foreground, (now Haytor Cottage/Harlea) looks as though it was a shop at that time. In the doorway stands a man with an apron and sleeve protectors which might suggest it is some sort of food products that are on sale. Just interested if anyone in the village might know?
This is from the Starcross News Facebook page where your question has been shared "I've just had a look through the 1901 and 1911 censuses and there are no shops mentioned in that location. One of the people living there in 1901 was a Railway Porter - perhaps he was in uniform minus his jacket? Wild guess. "
I have a copy of the 3rd photo on the left. It looks as if it was taken around 1910. The house attached to Hope Cottage in the foreground, (now Haytor Cottage/Harlea) looks as though it was a shop at that time. In the doorway stands a man with an apron and sleeve protectors which might suggest it is some sort of food products that are on sale.
ReplyDeleteJust interested if anyone in the village might know?
Many thanks, Janie
This is from the Starcross News Facebook page where your question has been shared
ReplyDelete"I've just had a look through the 1901 and 1911 censuses and there are no shops mentioned in that location. One of the people living there in 1901 was a Railway Porter - perhaps he was in uniform minus his jacket? Wild guess.