Sunday 21 March 2021

Friends of St Paul's Church

St Paul's Church Starcross needs a Friends of St Paul's Church group.  As well as immediate repair to its roof, the church and churchyard need some TLC. The Starcross History Society considers that Captain George Peacock's tomb is an important part of the village identity.
What is needed is someone to come forward as the organiser of Friends of St Paul's Church Starcross. The Starcross History Society will be pleased to dedicate a page on this weblog, so that the activities of 
 Friends of St Paul's Church Starcross are recorded and communicated.
Please get in touch if you would organise this. Help is on offer. It just needs a coordinator.

Saturday 13 March 2021

Starcross Hospital: What the Voices Tell Us

Caroline Hill

Caroline Hill is to present, on this weblog, a remarkable project about The Royal Western Counties Hospital. An oral record was made about the hospital shortly after it closed in 1986.

Caroline has  collected together the interview transcripts and reproduced extracts in an easy-to-read compilation, bringing what was said back to life.

"After more than 30 years, most of the contributors will no longer be with us, but their families and people who knew them may value being able to read what they had put on tape back in the late 1980s."

Caroline hopes that this project will be of interest to anyone seeking to know more about the history of the village of Starcross because of the memories it contains of life inside and  outside the hospital, going back to the 1930s.

 The full interview transcripts will be lodged with other Starcross documentation at the Devon archives in the Devon  Heritage Centre.


Friday 12 March 2021


The Cow Pock from Wikimedia

This cartoon, from Wikimedia, relates to the smallpox pandemic, which will be mentioned briefly. image The Cow pock from Wikimedia

Wednesday:       17th March, 7.30-9.00 p.m.

Topic:                 War, Spanish Flu & Covid19: A Local History Perspective

Speaker:             Jon Nichol, Starcross History Society


Jon Nichol will talk about the impact of the 1918/19 Spanish Flu pandemic on Devon, how Devonians reacted to it and points of comparison between it and the Covid-19 2020/21 pandemic. The talk will focus upon the second, major wave of  Spanish Flu from October-December 1918 that coincided with the closing phase of the First World War [1914-18].  Spanish Flu is known as the ‘forgotten pandemic’ despite apparently having killed twice as many people as died in the First World War. A long term consequence of Spanish Flu amnesia was the failure to be better prepared for and how to cope with Covid-19. 


To join the talk, its ZOOM linkMeeting-ID and Password are:

Meeting-ID: 894 0569 0055
Password: Heirnet


If there are any problems, please email


There's a guide on how to use ZOOM at





a)    The ZOOM meeting From 7.15 we will let you into the meeting. Jon’s talk starts at 7.30 p.m., i.e. we will hopefully avoid the problem of admitting late comers.

b)    When the meeting starts please mute your microphones and switch off your videos.

c)     This means we can all hear the speaker and see the full screen. Unmuted microphones result in a cacophony of noise that means the presentation is inaudible.

d)    After the presentation the speaker will be  happy to answer questions and discuss points you raise. To do this, please use the ZOOM raised hand icon to speak.

e)     Unmuting microphones If selected, we can then unmute your microphone for you to ask questions and take part in the discussion

f)     You can also type questions for the speaker in the Chat Box




We make no charge for the meeting because we believe that history should be FREE... but we have costs to cover, including the professional version of ZOOM, and an honorarium for our  speakers.


So, if you can, please give a donation via the PayPal button on the Starcross History Website at: